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Friday, January 26, 2007

Bill to bring laws against forced marriages in the UK

Another great 'comment is free' article on the gaurdian online, today taling about forced marriages and a bill that is in front of the House of Lords designed to help the women (and men) forced into marriages that are abusive, miserable, degrading.

"Even India and Pakistan have laws against forced marriage, however badly
enforced they may be. It is time Britain not only had them, but sent out a clear
signal that violence against women in this country, whatever their colour or
religion, should never be tolerated. "

Positive that Sunny Huandal framed this as not only a gender issue, but an issue of violence against women.

And while we're here link to more Sunny Hundal articles on the Guardian website
And link to Sunnys profile - lefty dream-boat.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I just read an article tonight in my city's alternative magazine, The Seattle Weekly, about human trafficing. 80% of all people trafficed are women, most by men, of course. Despite various agencies estimating that the numbers of cases are in the thousands, my country has continued to cut funding. I'm not sure if we have any kind of laws restricting forced marriage, but all one would have to do to get around it would be to illegally traffic in their perspective spouse. How sad.